



Skylight (Flight App)

Skylight (Flight App)

Product Design

Product Design

Case Study

Case Study

About Project

Skylight, an innovative mobile application, is meticulously crafted to revolutionize the way users book their flight tickets. Skylight is dedicated to streamlining the process of reserving plane tickets, boasting a sleek design that minimizes both time and effort expended. This versatile application goes beyond mere ticket booking, empowering users to effortlessly manage their flights with unparalleled ease.

Skylight, an innovative mobile application, is meticulously crafted to revolutionize the way users book their flight tickets. Skylight is dedicated to streamlining the process of reserving plane tickets, boasting a sleek design that minimizes both time and effort expended. This versatile application goes beyond mere ticket booking, empowering users to effortlessly manage their flights with unparalleled ease.


Mobile App


Figjam, Whimsical, Figma, Maze


The challenge at hand is to conquer the user frustrations encountered while booking flights, where a convoluted and complex booking process is prevalent. Furthermore, another formidable challenge lies in the complexity of managing flights, as users are compelled to navigate different platforms for flights on separate airlines.

The challenge at hand is to conquer the user frustrations encountered while booking flights, where a convoluted and complex booking process is prevalent. Furthermore, another formidable challenge lies in the complexity of managing flights, as users are compelled to navigate different platforms for flights on separate airlines.


I found the problem when I conducted a user interview by asking about the difficulties encountered when using a specialized flight booking application and I took some of the main pain points felt by users.

I found the problem when I conducted a user interview by asking about the difficulties encountered when using a specialized flight booking application and I took some of the main pain points felt by users.

User Research

User research is conducted to understand the issues users encounter when using the ticket booking application, and it will be analyzed to address the problems that arise.

Information Architecture

The Information Architecture is meticulously crafted to organize and structure the application's features in alignment with a simple and user-friendly concept.

Design System

The design system is meticulously crafted to ensure unwavering consistency across every design element.

Steel Blue


RGB: 65, 105, 101

Silver Blue


RGB: 196, 206, 219

Lavender Gray


RGB: 240, 240, 245



RGB: 255, 255,255



Lexend is a typeface that prioritizes readability and optimal reading. It offers variable styles like Lexend Deca, Exa, and Mega for user preference. The font has a tall x-height, enhancing legibility, especially on screens, and features open apertures for clear character shapes. Designed for user comfort and versatility, Lexend is ideal for digital and print content.















High Fedility Design


When initially launching the application, users will encounter an onboarding screen. Following that, users will be given the option to log in if they already have an account or register if they don't have one yet.

Users will come across the home page, which features a ticket search function designed for finding tickets based on the user's needs and preferences. Additionally, on this page, users will encounter popular cities content, which serves as a solution for users when they are unsure about their destination.

Users will come across the home page, which features a ticket search function designed for finding tickets based on the user's needs and preferences. Additionally, on this page, users will encounter popular cities content, which serves as a solution for users when they are unsure about their destination.

On the ticket page, users can manage their flights. Users can view upcoming and previous flights. Users can check the details of their booked flights, and they can also access their boarding passes here.

On the ticket page, users can manage their flights. Users can view upcoming and previous flights. Users can check the details of their booked flights, and they can also access their boarding passes here.

On the status page, users can search for the flight status by location, destination, date, and departing or arriving. After selecting a flight, users can view flight details and choose to set an alert.

On the status page, users can search for the flight status by location, destination, date, and departing or arriving. After selecting a flight, users can view flight details and choose to set an alert.

On the profile page, there are several sections that users can use to customize the app according to their needs and preferences when using Skylight.

On the profile page, there are several sections that users can use to customize the app according to their needs and preferences when using Skylight.

Flight Search

Flight Search

When searching for their desired flight, users can select departure, destination, departure and return times, the number of passengers, and cabin class as options.

When searching for their desired flight, users can select departure, destination, departure and return times, the number of passengers, and cabin class as options.

Compare Flight

Compare Flight

Flight comparison is one of the innovations implemented in the Skylight app to address the concerns of every user. This feature allows users to compare flights on the same date but at different times. The compare flight feature is applied so that users can compare flights from each airline based on plane details, flight times, and facilities

Flight comparison is one of the innovations implemented in the Skylight app to address the concerns of every user. This feature allows users to compare flights on the same date but at different times. The compare flight feature is applied so that users can compare flights from each airline based on plane details, flight times, and facilities

Trip Summary

Trip Summary

On the profile page, there are several sections that users can use to customize the app according to their needs and preferences when using Skylight.

On the profile page, there are several sections that users can use to customize the app according to their needs and preferences when using Skylight.

Complete Your Booking

Complete Your Booking

When a user wants to book a flight ticket, the user needs to fill in several sections to complete the flight data.

When a user wants to book a flight ticket, the user needs to fill in several sections to complete the flight data.

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